Eirena Birkenfeld
University level pre-med classes, General Caregiving certificate, First Aid certificate, Hospice Care Training through Lahari, Certified Nurses Aid training through Skagit Community College.
Accepting New Clients?
Work Experience
Fifteen years experience. For the first four years I had on-the-job training caring for an MS patient who required total care (quadriplegic) and since then have worked with elderly clients doing everything from simple daily or weekly shopping/cooking, companionship, driving, bathing, dressing, etc . . . to nursing care for patients who are in bed or have very limited mobility . . . to full on end-of-life hospice care. I have worked in various capacities as a sole caregiver, a member of caregiving teams, and as a manager for teams of caregivers.
Current Driver's License
Willing to have a Background Check?
References Available?
Work Restrictions
Will not work with clients or families with alcohol or drug addiction issues, a history of physical or verbal abuse. Also cannot work in an environment where there are smokers even if they smoke outside. I have chemical sensitivities to some cleaning products.
Foreign Languages Spoken:
Understand some French.
Physical Limitations:
None. I am healthy for being 60 years young. I would also insist on the use of a mechanical lift in some circumstances.
Personal Statement

I also have a cell phone: 360-298-2425
This work comes naturally to me and I enjoy it very much. Finding a good match seems to be a matter of chemistry, intention & good luck for all involved and every caregiving situation unique challenges. I have a high respect for confidentiality and HIPAA regulations when working with clients in their personal environment. At this time I am able to do overnight and longer day shifts.

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