This directory is provided as a free service to allow independent Orcas Caregivers visibility to those looking for caregiving services. Caregivers can create a listing and modify it at any time, or remove the listing altogether.
The Directory listing contains basic background information about your skills, training and experience as well as an optional photograph of yourself. There is also a field in the listing that informs the care seeker whether you’re currently accepting new clients. Your contact information, phone number and email, will not be seen in the directory. If a care seeker wishes to contact you they will enter their contact info and a brief message on a form that is emailed “blindly” to you, or the care seeker may use the Send Care Request feature that sends emails to all caregivers who are accepting new clients.
All listings are moderated. This means that the website administrator makes sure that the site’s Terms of Use are followed when listings are created. It may take up to several hours before your listing shows up in the directory. Any edits you make to your original published listing, however, are not moderated and any changes you make will be published immediately to the directory.
Before you can create a listing in the directory, you must first register and create an account on the Orcas Caregiving Connection Website. (or Call 888-685-1475 for instructions.)